Kate and Alex's sweet Italian pad. Her bedroom is bigger than my parents!!!
My stuffed sheep, Palmy, keeping me company on the road during the Nature Valley GP. Kicking back, laughing to Ricky Gervais stand up...if you see it buy it.
So that is where my life has now brought me. With a month off racing i figured that i would come over to Europe and support my better half through some of her racing. Jet lag aside, this is a beautiful place to ride your bike. The roads, while rediculously skinny, are sceanic and amazing for training. Kate has herself a great little apartment in Castrono, just around the corner from the AIS Cycling HQ, so i find myself with no shortage of Aussie accents and riding partners for the perfect training camp.
The only thing bad about wireless internet....reading about everyone in my much beloved sport getting involved in a drug scandle. Come on DeLuca....did you honestly think you were fooling anyone??? It is a damn shame that people cant just be honest with themselves and just ride clean. I think that all cyclist should have to earn what i earn and then see if they can justify the expense....anymore than that and it becomes too easy for them.....Its a sad sad time for cycling and while we thought we saw the light at the end of the tunnel after last year, im not convinced that it is there. Im just happy to be associated with a team of clean and dedicated athletes who do the sport for the right reasons...why? beacuse they love to ride their bikes and challenge their bodies to continually improve. And when they stop improving, like mine did for a time last year....they dont go to the pharmacy....they get depressed and just keep trying to work harder and push through....because cycling is like life.....sometimes it sucks, but you just have to work through it. I think my new cycling hero is Aaron Olsen....he and a few others will know the exact details of why.....but he stands on higher ground for me than many others, particularly in the protour....I just cross my fingers for the friends of mine who worked hard for the talents that they posess and have gone into the protour, that they can overcome the trend and prove to the people that cycling can be clean....
So thats what my life is all about at the moment....im a happy camper with where im at....just hope that the world approves around me.
Later all