Kay is an amazing woman and prmarily the reason for my extra time here in the UK. She was the one who convinced me that if i didnt make it back that she might not be able to hold on much longer....she is crazy though, by far the fitest 88 year old i have ever met. Swimming twice a week and walking around town all day...puts many people i know to shame....20yo's included.
Sarah and Les are long time family friends....along with their son James, many of my baby photos include them. It was good to see them and spend a lunchtime catching up.
Here with Kay and Elaine. Elaine has been out to Australia so many times, that she unfortunately misses a personal house visit...i have almost seen as much of her as my parents over the past 5 years.
Off further south today to see my Dad's family and my grand father. Rumours of rain and possibly snow have been circulating....that will surely make traning interesting.
Talk soon........